Saturday, October 20, 2018

"For Whom All Other Options Have Failed..."

Those are seven scary words: "for whom all other options have failed..." but those were the requirements for the Occipital Nerve Stimulator study. I've learned that study is a golden standard among pain doctors.

"Have you tried everything?"

Yes, I've tried everything.

"Have you really tried everything?"

I was in the Occipital Nerve Stimulator Study.

"Oh, crap. You really have tried everything. Sorry, there hasn't been anything new since Lyrica in 2008."*

That's where I am in pain management. Out beyond the horizon in "we have no idea what the eff to do" land, looking at blank faces that read "our hands are tied on what we could do by insane government regulation, I have a family to feed..."

I'll overlook the fact the DEA is practicing medicine without a license if they would just let me talk to someone face-to-face.

I know a woman with Stage IV stomach cancer who can't get pain medication because of DEA regulation! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? All because of a little clause that says if you use marijuana, even medicinally (hello? STOMACH cancer???), you are excluded from ALL narcotics programs. Period.

Um... Mr. Jeff Sessions, may I have a word?

Forget me and my pain, Stage IV stomach cancer and you're forcing her to die in agony. What the in the ethical hell has this country become?? This is Cruel & Unusual Punishment by fiat. We HAVE the drugs. They're completely AFFORDABLE. The SOLUTION is right there!!! But because of some moral panic over addiction, we're going to make this innocent, beautiful soul walk that path of pain...

Her life doesn't have to be Hell. Mr. Sessions, how as a Christian can you allow that? Have you no mercy???

God in Heaven, hear us.

(* As of writing this, that's ten years ago. That's how slow drug development is.)

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Psychology School (Pain Psych)

I'm just a soul whose intentions are good...
Please Lord, don't let me be misunderstood..."

So I reached out for some support services recently and made and enormous discovery: psychology does not understand chronic pain patients. Like... bad. Bad, bad.

I mean, you've seen in past me rant about how awful some of the literature is and there are things I would DEFINITELY NOT say to anyone in our circumstance. But I had no comprehension of JUST how bad it was. I met a woman there who had similar troubles for her stomach cancer. They didn't know what to do with her either. Thank God I had organized my thoughts here years ago. We were able to counsel each other.

So I need your prayers. I am attempting and have completed the first steps for a certificate in pain psychology. The need is just too great, and my ability to explain these experiences eloquently has always helped professionals.

Well, now they need to take me seriously. Because people are dying over this stuff. I've seen it on the reddit boards. The Opioid Crisis has pushed so many people off their meds that the suicides are skyrocketing.

It needs to stop.

I'm volunteering to try and stop it.

Wish me luck...

p.s. Apologies for the extended absence and faulty restart. It's been a rough time and I needed to hermit rather than spread my behavior around publicly. I was just too angry. I was frustrated with the problem. NOW, I get it. THEY don't get it. They think they do and they are oh so wrong, and have been wrong since Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, bless her soul.

I needed this experience to know what to do next. It's been a rough time, but I'm back.

Thank you all for remaining.

Monday, July 9, 2018

No Knife Mostly Microwave Quick Quiche

Requested by r/ChronicPain

Quiche is an egg soufflé pie that can feature all sorts of ingredients: ham and cheddar, broccoli and cheddar, spinach and onion, Italian sausage and peppers... whatever your heart desires. It's also a dish that can be eaten warm or cold, and easily re-heats. This recipe uses the microwave for a majority of the cooking, and takes about 30 minutes to make, all told (meaning you don't have to be on your feet long). Steps can also be broken up with rest in-between without any harm to the dish, so long as you don't leave the pie crust in the oven! I've also included Fancy steps if you want to do a little extra work, but it's written with quick & easy in mind.


1 pint heavy cream (can be whipping or light cream for less fat)
4 eggs
1c grated cheese (optional)
1/2c pre-chopped frozen veggies (optional)
1/3c meat or 4 strips of bacon (optional)
1/2 tsp salt or no-salt substitute
1 pie crust
{Fancy} 1 pat butter
Spices to top (your choice: black pepper/oregano/pepper flakes/paprika/etc.)


Microwave-safe bowl capable of holding 4c liquid
Microwave- & oven-safe pie pan
Microwave-safe plate/bowl for bacon/meat
Measuring cup
Whisk or fork
Bowls for ingredients
{Fancy} Brush


Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit

Remove pie crust from aluminum pan

For convenience sake, I go for the premade, frozen pie crusts. These usually come in aluminum tins, but can be removed easily but running warm water on the bottom of the pan then carefully patting the crust from the tin. The frozen crust will retain its shape and can then be placed into a microwave & oven safe pan.

Pre-cook crust

Once in the microwave & oven safe pan, you may choose to take the {Fancy} step of brushing the crust with butter. Otherwise skip to the next paragraph. Melt the pat of better in the microwave then brush outer crust with melted butter. Continue below.

Place EMPTY pie crust in oven for 14-16 minutes, or until golden brown on the outer crust.

Scald Cream

In your microwave-safe bowl, add the pint of cream and place bowl and contents in microwave. Microwave for 4 minutes on high. If a skin has formed on the top of the cream (it should), stir. Then microwave for one additional minute until the cream starts to bubble. If a skin has not formed, microwave at one-minute intervals until skin/bubbles form.

Set on counter to cool.

Prepare Ingredients

Measure out the meat, cheese and/or veggies you're going to use. Once the pie crust is finished baking, these will be spread on the bottom of the crust. If the meat needs to be cooked or pre-cut frozen veggies need to be thawed, microwave according to its instructions using your microwave-safe plate/bowl. Cover with paper towels to reduce microwave mess.

{Fancy} I sometimes cheat and use a knife here and cut block cheese into approximately 1/4-inch cubes. This will leave larger cheesy chunks in the quiche for a more authentic feel.

Scramble eggs and add to cooled scalded cream. (If the cream is a little warm still, that's okay, so long as it's not hot enough to cook the eggs.)

Fill Cooked Crust

Layer or mix (your preference) meat/cheese/veggies and place in the cooked pie crust.

Slowly cover with egg & cream mixture until full. Be careful not to over-fill (the amount of egg-cram mic will vary depending on the amount of meat/cheese/veggies).

Top with spices.


Carefully place contents in microwave and microwave on high for 9-11 minutes until contents are cooked. There should be no puddle (see pictures below) and the eggs should be bubbling and bounce to light touch.


Not yet...



Let sit to cool & Enjoy!

Crust is flakey!