If you have linked or reported and you would like to have your testimonial poster here, EMAIL me, please. I don't always notice when a post of mine has gone viral, but I'd like to give props as much as I can...
I do not claim copyright on any of the images use in blog posts unless otherwise noted. Image holders retain the copyright to their material. Permission to use images is displayed where necessary.
(Apr 6, 2012) My goodness, you are a fine writer. I was moved by the content, your passion for writing, and the dexterity of your sentences. Very impressive. All I can ask is that you keep writing. Help us “spread the faith” in realizing the power of words to heal the spirit, the psyche, and the soul. - David Martin, Fine Lines
(Feb 8, 2012) LoriL wrote: "Amazing stuff...have recently started co facilitating a Chronic Illness group and was looking for Chronic Illness Etiquette when I stumbled upon this and will most def be sharing it with my group...I too have always found that a little bit of honey or sugar (positive out and inward look) goes much farther than whining or complaining) And a humble but informed patient is almost always appreciated. Thx 4 putting this all in such a professionally, pleasing and concise way..."
(December 16, 2011) "I swear....sometimes I think you live inside my head. Thank you for giving the right words to describe our struggle. Just remember, every day we wake up is a day that the pain did not win. ((Hugs)) An awesome article written by my sister-unicorn ...thank you for articulating so completely what we live with. You so got it spot on!"
By Jana Bizianes McKinney
(October 6, 2011) "But sometimes even successful communication can be a mixed blessing. In Recognition Is Essential for Patients, Pamela Curtis writes about having coffee with friends, including a newcomer to the group who happens to be a neuroscience student. Since the student fully understands the severity of her pituitary problem, his reaction is one of “genuine alarm and concern.” But, while it is gratifying to be understood, Pamela says, she wants to “get credit for how well I’m doing, not for how awful I’ve got it.” Off Pitch: Simple Conversations Go Astray
(September 15, 2011) "a very talented fellow blogger" ... "will have you thinking for days (and days and days...)" ... "It's like a crash course in patient self-advocacy!"
(June 8, 2011) "Hi. Great info - I run a chronic migraine forum http://migrainetalk.co.uk/. Would you mind if I copy this across - under your name of course?By ;Tracey Wilson on Chronic Illness Patient Etiquette 101
(Permission with credit, granted: http://migrainetalk.forumotion.co.uk/t252-chronic-illness-patient-etiquette-101)
(June 1, 2011) "I am deeply indebted to Pamela Curtis in her Blog "Make this Awesome - Disease Identity" because she has just stated far more eloquently than I ever could why I am, to a certain extent, my disease." - Bipolar Bear
(May 28, 2011) christianet wrote: "I hope you don't mind, but I Tweeted out your blog to my more than 2,000 followers, a lot of them involved with the pharma industry and patient advocacy in some way. What said, the advice you gave, is really good stuff and a lot of people will thank you for it.