I had a troll recently go off on me. I have to say, it bothered me at first. But, bless the strangers on the internet, they defended my position, and even went so far as to deconstruct his argument showing that he was guilty of the sin he was trying to cast upon me. The only thing he proved was how much of an @$$hole he was. But he raised a
very interesting point... He believed he had the right to tell other people how to live because it cost him more money on his health insurance. And that, right there, is the reason why "give my people health insurance" is a bad idea. The healthy people have to pay for the sick people. And the healthy people resent it.
This is especially true in this country, where the media claims that
any health problem can be solved through "healthy living" (and buying the product they're selling). The medical profession has done a great job of smoke and mirrors, hiding how much we
don't know about health. But this leaves people who haven't been through the system with the belief that the system always works for everyone, and if you didn't get better, it's
your fault.
And there are some amazing myths that persist in the healthy world, about the would of the sick. They believe that doctors run excessive amounts of tests to cover their @$$ in case of liability. But how can we judge what's excessive and what's not? Right now, there's a
huge debate raging on mammograms, whether or not we're putting women through cancer treatment who don't really need it, just because of something seen on the scan. But do we know that's actually what's happening? What if we're catching cancer really early and saving these women's lives? What if we're treating women for cancer, ruining their lives with chemo and other processes, who would have been fine if they were left alone? Are we doing more harm than good?
See... we don't have all the answers. Sometimes, we don't even know the right question to ask. Health care is
messy. There is no neat formula to follow that will guarantee a healthy life. We're learning new things about diseases every day... things we didn't think were
possible. Mother Nature is a wily character, with lots of tricks up her sleeve. There are more things in heaven and earth than we could possibly imagine. So we don't always get this health stuff right.
Then there's human error...
All told, as many as 98,000 deaths occur each year due to all kinds of medical mistakes--the equivalent of a fully packed 747 crashing every other day. According to a congressionally mandated study on Medicare recipients, during 2008, 1 in 7 hospital patients experienced at least one unintended harm that prolonged his or her stay, caused permanent injury, required life-sustaining treatment, or resulted in death.
(14 worst hospital mistakes to avoid - NBC News)
And what about when the treatment is worse than the disease? CT scans are useful in the early detection of lung cancer, but the CT scan
itself causes cancer.
The risk of developing cancer from the CT scan itself isn't trivial. A recent analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that a single chest CT scan exposed patients to the radiation equivalent of more than 100 chest X-rays, and that at age 60, an estimated 1 in 1000 women or 1 in 2000 men would eventually develop cancer from that single scan. (Participants in the lung cancer screening study actually underwent three consecutive annual CT scans.)
(4 reasons to not be screened for lung cancer - Common Sense Family Doctor)
And ultimately, the problem is that "Much of medicine exists in a grey zone where there is no one right answer about when to treat and how to treat. That is why you need to figure out what applies to you and what doesn't and how you weigh risk and benefit." (
How to Talk to Doctors - Freakonomics) But that doesn't work well if someone else is footing the bill. It especially doesn't work well when cost-creating behavior is "rewarded" with health care, and healthy people are "punished" for their good behavior (losing money on health insurance and gaining nothing in return).
This results in a dangerous situation. Healthy people believe they're in the right, and that sick people are in the wrong. They believe that since it's their money, they then have the right to tell me how to live. And why not? My behavior costs them money. Suddenly there is a huge incentive for them to be all up in my business---how I eat, how I sleep, the risks I take (riding a motorcycle), and all the other choices I make in my life that could affect my health. That's now their business, because it's their dollar on the line.
And you'll have to pardon my tin-foil hat, but I also don't like the idea of the government being all up in my health care either. It means the government will track me from cradle to grave. Unlike most people who just need a yearly physical, I require at least one doctor visit
per month. Why? Government regulations that are already in place require it. Why? Because of the War on Drugs (and what a huge waste of taxpayer money
that is). And do you really think the government cares how much money it's going to cost
you? It doesn't hurt the politicians when your health care insurance costs rise. And what's going to happen when people complain? The government will step in and create laws trying to
force people to be healthy. They will restrict freedoms all in the name of controlling health costs. It's already happened in NYC. (
NYC Super-Sized Soda Ban: Now in Effect - US News)
1% of the people account for 30% of all health costs. "One patient alone racked up $3.5 million in medical bills over a five year period." (
Zakaria: 5% of U.S. patients account for 50% of health care costs - CNN) And what's the easiest way to cut those costs? Let 'em die. Kill off 5% of the population and our health costs drop by
half? Do you really think with numbers like that, that there's an incentive to treat these people and keep them alive? Don't kid yourself. Health-cost-related deaths are already a reality in the U.K. (
Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year - Daily Mail)
You'd think with my health care problems and costs that I would
love free government health care. Sure, it helps me. In a big way. But at what costs? If it's at the cost of my freedom and privacy, and possibly my
life, I'd rather not. But that's where we're headed anyway... And it terrifies me.